Think And Grow Rich: Sixth Sense

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich,” the fourteenth step is indeed titled “The Sixth Sense.” This chapter focuses on the concept of a mysterious and often misunderstood faculty that Hill refers to as the “Sixth Sense.” Here are some important points about this step:

  1. Definition of the Sixth Sense: The “Sixth Sense” is described as the faculty of creative imagination, intuition, and insight that transcends the other five physical senses. It is believed to be the bridge between the finite human mind and the infinite intelligence of the universe.
  2. Accessing Infinite Intelligence: Hill suggests that through the development of the Sixth Sense, individuals can tap into the vast knowledge and wisdom of the universe, sometimes referred to as Infinite Intelligence, or the universal subconscious mind.
  3. Turning Hunches into Reality: The Sixth Sense is often associated with gut feelings, hunches, or intuitive insights. According to Hill, successful people are known for their ability to act upon these intuitive thoughts and transform them into tangible results.
  4. The Creative Imagination: Hill emphasizes that the creative imagination is a crucial component of the Sixth Sense. By utilizing the power of imagination, one can visualize and manifest their desires into reality.
  5. Tuning into the Subconscious Mind: The Sixth Sense involves establishing a strong connection with the subconscious mind. Hill suggests that by feeding the subconscious mind with positive and constructive thoughts, it becomes a fertile ground for generating innovative ideas and solutions.
  6. Mastery through Practice: Developing the Sixth Sense requires consistent practice and honing one’s intuitive abilities. Like any skill, it can be improved through dedication and persistence.
  7. Overcoming Fear and Doubt: Hill also warns against allowing fear, doubt, and negativity to cloud the Sixth Sense. It is essential to maintain a positive mental attitude and stay open to receiving intuitive insights.
  8. The “Whisperings of the Spirit”: Hill describes the Sixth Sense as a medium through which we receive inspirations, ideas, and guidance from the spiritual realm. He mentions that many great inventors, artists, and leaders throughout history have attributed their success to these “whisperings of the spirit.”

Overall, the Fourteenth Step of “Think and Grow Rich” encourages readers to cultivate their intuition, embrace their creative imagination, and develop a deeper connection with the subconscious mind. By doing so, individuals can tap into the infinite intelligence of the universe and unleash their full potential for success and achievement.

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